Grateful Dead Live at Barton Hall - Cornell University on 1977-05-08
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- Publication date
- 1977-05-08 ( check for other copies)
- Topics
- Soundboard, Matrix, Dan Haugh
- Collection
- GratefulDead
- Band/Artist
- Grateful Dead
- Resource
- DeadLists Project
- Item Size
- 1.3G
New Minglewood Blues
El Paso
They Love Each Other
Jack Straw
Lazy Lightnin' ->
Brown Eyed Women
Mama Tried
Row Jimmy
Dancing In The Street
Set 2
Scarlet Begonias ->
Fire On The Mountain
Estimated Prophet
Saint Stephen ->
Not Fade Away ->
Saint Stephen ->
Morning Dew
One More Saturday Night
Related Music question-dark
Versions - Different performances of the song by the same artist
Compilations - Other albums which feature this performance of the song
Covers - Performances of a song with the same name by different artists
Song Title | Versions | Compilations | Covers |
Minglewood Blues | |||
Loser | |||
El Paso | |||
They Love Each Other | |||
Jack Straw | |||
Deal | |||
Lazy Lightning > | |||
Supplication | |||
Brown Eyed Women | |||
Mama Tried | |||
Row Jimmy | |||
Dancin' In The Streets | |||
Take A Step Back | |||
Scarlet Begonias > | |||
Fire On The Mountain | |||
Estimated Prophet | |||
Saint Stephen > | |||
Not Fade Away > | |||
Saint Stephen > | |||
Morning Dew | |||
One More Saturday Night |
SBD + AUD1 + AUD2 Matrix Mix (60%-SBD/20%-AUD1/20%-AUD2)
Source Info
SBD (Betty Board) > Master 7" Nagra reels 1/2 track @
7.5ips > Sony PCM501. Playback on Sony PCM 701>DAT (Digital
Transfer) -- Rob Eaton DBX Decoding (Spring '99) Playback on
Panasonic 4100 DAT > DB 924 D/A > Dolby 361's w/dbx K9-22
Cards > DB 124 A/D > Neve Capricorn (Digital mixing console) >
DB 300S > Panasonic 4100 DAT>DAT>Digi Coax Cable > Tascam
CD-RW700 > CDR (x1) > SHN (Rob Eaton remaster)
Jerry Moore's MAC > Reel > CD
Sony 153 master, w/ ECM 33P's, on Maxell UDXL-II's, Dolby B,
copied via Teac AN-180 Dolby box onto Sony TC 755, Scotch
Classic 10.5 inch reel, 7.5 ips, Dolby B - Transfer by Rob
Berger (1/05), Sony TC 850>Teac AN-180>Sony SBM1 super bit
mapper > Tascam CD-Rw4U > SHN
Steve Maizner > Sony ECM-990 > Sony TC-152 aud master >
First Gen Reel > Played directly to hard drive > CDR > SHN
Tech Notes
SHNs were decoded to wave and SF 6.0 was used to reassemble
the tracks back to 1 long wave. CEP2.0 was used to align &
synch the SBD & both AUD sources. CEP2.0 used to adjust the
volume for the SBD & both AUDs. This is a 60% SBD, 20% AUD1,
20% AUD2 mix.
- Mixed by
- FLAC conversion 08-MAY-2005
- Artwork by 300dpi - For best results
print at the highest resolution onto glossy photo paper.
Design for use with a clear slim double jewel case.
I looked at the 4 pages of notes I had on this project and
it made me sick to think about typing them up. So, although
not complete, you will get a good idea of what was done to
bring these recordings to this point.
ALLOT of editing was done to keep the flow btwn songs. Both
AUD recordings suffered from btwn song pauses that not only
cut the crowd cheer out but clipped the beginning of many
songs. The 2 AUD source coverage allowed my to patch 1 with
the other in some situations. A couple spots I created a
fake AUD recording by mixing crowd cheer with the SBD. This
was effective at creating patches for the rear channels in
the 5.1 presentation but also maintained a smooth quality in
the stereo matrix mix as well. These patches are numerous
and I think completely smooth and most likely undetectable.
The SBD+AUD matrix details. The stereo matrix it is approx
60% SBD, 20% Jerry Moore's AUD and 20% Steve Maizner's AUD.
The matrix mix on the center channel is a 50/50 with just
the SBD and Steve Maizner's AUD. I also D'EQ'd both sources
to pull up the vocals and give the center channel a unique
sound as not to detract from the front stereo imaging or the
rear surround effect. You will also note that the rear channels
are just Jerry's AUD and not a matrix of the 2 AUD sources. I
did give that configuration a listen but opted for the single
rear source. It was clearer and had more definition on its own.
d1t01 The first 16.041 seconds of Minglewood blues was cut on
the SBD. Starting this monster project with an unrecoverable
flaw was unacceptable to me. I decided to patch that opening
portion with a SBD and AUD recording from 5-7-77. As this
patch ends you will hear some slight phasing as the stereo
field moves. The result, although not perfect, I think
provides the listener with a more enjoyable and natural
listening experience. Maybe you disagree. For those of you
who would rather have a patch using a matrix mix of the 2 AUD
sources please feel free to do it yourself :^)
d1t07-08 The SBD is missing approx 34.361 from 42:47.001 -
43:16.362. This was patched using a matrix mix of the 2 AUD
sources and then EQ'ed to best match the sound spectrum of
the SBD. I also tried to match the volume on the SBD. A
switch in sources is obvious to the listener but this is
still pretty good. The switch back to SBD is actually
really good as there are no vocals at that point.
d2t02 A tiny right channel digital sizzle at 12:18.418.
This was fixed using a quick channel swap. This is smooth
and most likely undetectable.
If you play this DTS-Audio-CD and hear static it is b/c you
didn't really read the text file, did you?
- Addeddate
- 2008-03-18 13:38:46
- Identifier
- gd1977-05-08.mtx.dan.29511.flac16
- Lineage
- See info file
- Location
- Ithaca, NY
- Source
- See info file
- Taped by
- See info file
- Transferred by
- Matrixing by Dan Haugh
- Type
- sound
- Year
- 1977
Subject: great explanation,Dan
Subject: Peak-Grateful Dead
Perhaps the reason that this show is so hotly debated is that there is no straight Sound Board currently at the GD archive for 5/8.
As far as I can tell everything listed is either Matrix or Audience and while the Matrix gives us Board quality mixed with a more audience centered perspective of a show I still find it difficult to compare a good quality Sound Board to any other type of recording.
Yes, there are boards that l do find somewhat lacking in ambiance but overall if I want to feel like I am sitting in with the band I am going with the best quality Sound Board available.
I went to a bunch of shows from 84/93 and almost without exception none of my experiences being there sound wise measured up to the mix of a quality Sound board of the same show.
Yes, it is true there were certain moments that do not translate from being there live to a recording. What I experienced 3rd night of Red Rocks 1985 was my own PEAK DEAD experience. (and that is why going to Yosemite is always going to make more of an impression than any other secondary representation.)
But with all that said it is still pretty obvious that the band especially Garcia is on this night.
And being that the Grateful Dead has never been just about Garcia one can assume the entire band was on board for this one as well.
Perhaps this week in 77 in the band's history represents the completion of the 1975 comeback. ie-the point at which they are back in the groove they were at peak Europe 72 or Veneta, Oregon or Peak 73 perhaps RFK/
74-Summer Pacific North West.
Anyway, One thing for sure by the time I get to FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN it is on like Donkey Kong..
Dig Keith way under the mix in Estimated.
Bobby sounds like he is 200 feet tall
while he is rendering this song.
St. Stephen is like the Oreo cookie but NFA is the creamy sugary goodness.
(So thankful for cover bands like the Volunteers who were playing St. Stephen during the time the Grateful Dead had dropped it completely from their repertoire)
Finally got a St. Stephen from Furthur Simpsonville, 2011
But I digress because this NFA is mighty fine.
One of the few songs that I associated with PIG that the Grateful Dead always kept rockin'
The jam on this NFA pushes beyond the DANCIN', and the FIRE.
3 climax meltdowns in one show.
Phil & drummers get us to a Stephen coda
and then MORNING DEW!
The only thing i have to compare to that Dew
is when they played Satisfaction RFK- 86
"You could have heard it on the moon"
E) Saturday Night-
It was already PANDEMONIUM
so play Sat night on Sunday Evening
Donna gets the final push!
p.s. this not a straight board but super SWEET
Subject: Good
Grate .
Subject: Holy Smokes!
The first time I really heard them (other than bad studio stuf on the radio that i never paid attention to!) was when my friend threw 8/10/82 into the tape player and he made me listen to space, which I thought was fine, but then when they came out of it into Iko, I first got totally confused and then I got lost for what seemed like a really long time.
I was hooked...
Then this show: another friend did a rush copy of it, gave me the tape without a set list, I didn't know any of the songs and didn't know their names.
But damn.
NOW: I downloaded this yesterday, and on my way home I put on my headphones, turned on my walkman.. oops, put in my earbuds and turned on the iphone, went to Take a Step Back, and wouldn't you know it. There it was, people getting bug-eyed and then wait, what's that, can you pick up a lick? a rhythm? a drum? a.... YEEAHHHHH!!!!!!!!
I swear, the hair stood up on my head.
Five stars for the music, five more for the memories.
Subject: 5/08/2012
Subject: dancin
Subject: matrix
Subject: pristine
This show contains two of my top favorite dead moments of all time, the scarlet>fire being one and the morning dew being the other. How does that happen twice in the same show..??!!?!?!
no wonder I will keep coming back to this one until the day I die.
I will never understand how people consider this show overrated... unless they weren't able to make it and are jealous of those who did.
Of course, if i went to, for example, 05-07-1977 (another classic but pales in comparison to this one, IMO) and couldn't make it to this one, I would probably be trying to convince myself this show is overrated too.
a raging scarlet>fire, followed by a great estimated, then a st stephen>NFA>st stephen sandwich?! followed by a morning dew that will send chills up and down your spine every time... does a dead show get any better than that?!
The matrix will transcend you to another place in time-- words cannot express how grateful I am to have this sound grace my ears.
Subject: Row Jimmy & Dancin'
Subject: Enter The Matrix
Everyone is just playing at their best.
If you want to download this, you press on one of the "stream" buttons (hi-fi, or lo-fi).
Then you copy the link and open the url in Windows Media Player. (File => Open Url)
Then everything is being streamed and saved onto
C/Documents And Setting/UserName/Local Settings (hidden)/Temporary Internet Files.
Subject: dancin' bug-eyed
Subject: sublime
Subject: awesome mix
how do i get a downloadable version of this recording and mix?
Subject: Best of Both Worlds
The Betty Board is superb, but this takes it to an even higher level. It's like being at the show.
Kudos to the engineer of this recording.
Subject: Barton Hall
Subject: Thank God
Life's not completely unfair.....
Subject: The Bottle Was Dusty......Take a step back
Subject: Being There
Subject: Can't help but smile
Subject: Awesome
Subject: great mix!!!!
Subject: Amazing
Subject: sick! audiophile dream
Subject: 148 stars...can I do that?
Subject: Can't Get Any Better? Well, now this...
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